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Farm to Park: innovative farmers' hub starts Tuesday Aug. 23

Photo du rédacteur: Frédéric MorandFrédéric Morand

Dernière mise à jour : 11 sept. 2022

  • Flexible: content/ordering/credit management/location/exit/

  • E-commerce: ergonomic, time-saving, traceable

  • Reimbursement guaranteed

  • Privileged shareholder discount price (35%) for members

  • Co-ownership and opportunities

An innovative farmers' hub is opening Tuesday Aug. 23, from 6pm to 7pm, near Cinquantenaire Park, 1000 Brussels. We at Vert d'Iris are excited to prepare a new relationship model with our network, under the form of a coop farmers' hub.

What: weekly delivery of organic veggies produced by Vert d'Iris and local partners.

For who: anyone who orders online before Monday 7am, on Vert d'Iris' webshop.

How (Pay as you go) : 1) create an account, 2) select your items and a collection option, 3) pay online, 4) collect your items at collection point.

How (Pre-paid credit): 1) become a Hub member and earn a 35% discount on Vert d'Iris products. Buy a credit of 900 euros coupled with one capital share of 100 euros (or any multiple of this combination hereof: 1800+200, etc), in one single payment to Vert d'Iris:

IBAN BE74 0016 8864 4607 (communication: "capital + credit").

For identification purposes, 1st time Vert d'Iris shareholders have to register on this page. We will not share this information. Acknowledgement of both capital and credit will be produced with a certificate following this model.

2) create an account, 3) select your items and a collection option, 4) collect your items at collection point.

From our agroforestry farm in Neerdepe (Anderlecht) directly to the Park (or to other collection points)

Why. This model offers ten innovative features:

  1. Flexible content: you get only what you order (the potager is the limit!). The hub platform allows Vert d’Iris to invite selected farmers and to complement our own products with selected vegetable, bread, cheese, eggs and meat organic products. (see presentation of Seizoensmaak - in French)

  2. Flexible ordering: order only when you want - and modify / cancel in on clic. No need to signal a pause - and a comeback - in case you don’t need to order for a certain time.

  3. Flexible location: through the same platform, you can also collect your command at our farm in Neerpede. We plan to open more collection points shortly (Lokadille in Dilbeek Savio, Molleke in Brussels Porte de Ninove, ...).

  4. Flexible credit management: you debit and top-up your credit exactly as you need (by units of €1.000: 10% as share capital, 90% as purchasing credit).

  5. This is all done online, thanks to our Linked Farm platform which has already disclosed many ergonomic and time-saving features.

  6. By taking on many routine jobs (ordering, paying, reimbursing, billing…), the platform saves time for relations that are harder to computerise (tasting parties, events, education etc).

  7. Quality assurance: we commit ourselves the highest produce quality possible. Yet, accidents might happen. In the event a product doesn't give you full satisfaction, we guarantee full reimbursement, no question asked. This is made easy by the platform.

  8. Flexible exit: Vert d’Iris will reimburse any unspent credit before 1 year, and any subscribed capital before 2 years, after request in writing. No justification needed - yet feedback always appreciated 😁

  9. Coupling capital and credit subscription enables Vert d’Iris to offer a privileged discount of 35% compared to normal catalog price. At the moment, this only applies to Vert d’Iris’ own products.

  10. Holding a share of capital makes you a legal co-owner of Vert d’Iris. Well beyond your voting right at the general assembly, the cooperative invites you to participate in a number of ways: submit questions and suggestions, volunteer in our field projects or in the management (communication, admin, finance, accounting, HR, strategy, legal…), share your opinion, relay our information and needs, etc.

Where: See you at the Park, or at other collection points!

We plan to start delivery Tuesday 23 of August, 6pm to 7pm, near the Cinquantenaire Park in Brussels 1000 (exact place to be confirmed soon). Date and location might be updated for subsequent editions.

Aurelio is the contact person in charge of this project, his gsm is: +32 477 20 09 62.



Les potagers

Betteraves enz.
Chemin en face de Koeivijverstr. 20,
1070 Anderlecht 
+32(0)498/59 85 34

Route de Lennik 1041,
1070 Anderlecht


Vente de fruits et légumes bio : via le webshop

Collecte au potager Betteraves enz. ou à d'autres points de distribution à Anderlecht, Etterbeek, Saint-Gilles (voir webshop)

Livraison possible à domicile sous réserve des contraintes logistiques

TVA : BE05 2196 6896

IBAN : BE74 0016 8864 4607

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© 2023 by Vert d'Iris scrl-fs

 Editeur responsable : Frédéric Morand / BCE : BE05 2196 6896 -

Nous contacter - Mentions Légales Politique de confidentialité - Termes et conditions (CGV)


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